Master's students present projects in an active classroom setting.

Introduction to Programming

University of Washington
2 quarters, Master's students

I was an instructor for a 2-credit introductory programming course to HCDE Master’s students. The course fosters creativity and excitement about programming by engaging students in making interactive animations. Students, who often had a background or interest in design used p5js to build interactive stories and games. The course promoted a positive, supportive environment that would foster building confidence in programming skills.

Project Demos & Code

Master's students create a user flow for a prototype of an app promoting physical activity.

Introduction to Human Centered Design

Cayetano Heredia University, Lima, Peru
1-week intensive course, Master’s students

I was the instructor for an intensive one-week Human Centered Design course teaching health informatics master’s students. In one week, students identified a problem, developed personas, created a scenario, prototypes, evaluated and iterated on a low fidelity health behavior change technology.

Affinity diagram created while analyzing interview data with student research group.

Directed Research Groups

University of Washington
4 quarters, Undergraduate and Master’s students

I led directed research groups where students engage in research projects. I organize research groups driven by student interests and their own learning objectives. Students have engaged in research projects through shaping research questions, designing study materials, collecting and analyzing data, programming or creating visual designs of tools. Several students leveraged the work they conducted with me to obtain other professional positions, from continuing research, to obtaining other full-time jobs in User Experience.

Undergraduate students work in teams to prepare a 5-day curriculum for teaching programming using Scratch.

Service Learning: Design and Programming Workshops for Public Schools

University of Washington
4 quarters, Undergraduate and Master’s students

I was a co-instructor for project-based seminars in which students engage in service learning. The undergraduate students collaborate with local middle and high school teachers and develop curriculum for design or programming workshops for their classrooms. Through this experience students learn basics of teaching, develop curriculum for classrooms that are often different than their own experience, and they get to practice explaining the value of their own discipline to others.

An Israeli and a Palestinian high school student present a prototype of a website to share cultural locations in the region.

Web Programming for Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow

MEET Program, Jerusalem, Israel
3 weeks course, High School Students

I was a co-instructor for a web programming course teaching Israeli and Palestinian high school students as part of the MEET (Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow) program. The summer course was part of a 3 year long program, with the goal to engage students in collaborating on technology projects while otherwise being in a political conflict. I designed the curriculum such that students worked together on developing a web platform through which they shared cultural insights from across the region the lived in.